Saturday, July 31, 2010

We have an awesome GOD!

God is so amazing! Everyday I am amazed at how much variety of different kinds of beauty there is! I wonder what it is that makes something beautiful...?

"Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart..." ~ Psalm 111:1

love this one!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tea vs Coffee

There seems to be very much controversy over this, especially when you are a coffee lover trying to defend your beloved drink. In all reality I think if you were to compare the two drinks coffee would lose when it came to variety and health benefits. But coffee and tea are nothing alike and therefore should not be compared. Tis not fair…

When it comes to health benefits, tea has coffee beat, especially white and green tea. Tea has more antioxidants per cup than coffee does, and also contains less caffeine. A cup of black tea has half the amount of caffeine than a cup of coffee, and a lot more antioxidants such as flavonoids, catechins, and tannins. Coffee does not have as much as these properties present, but does have its share of minerals. Oolong, green, and white tea have even less caffeine and even more antioxidants. In fact, white tea has shown to contain the highest levels, and is one of the best sources when measured by volume for antioxidants. So if drinking for your health, tea will always beat coffee.

But coffee does have its advantages over tea in some areas. Take the simple fact that if you can tolerate caffeine, coffee is a great stimulant, and is helpful in waking people up in the morning, or any other time in the day that you may need a pick-me-up.

When it comes to tea vs coffee as far as varieties, tea has this one as well. There are literally thousands of varieties and sub varieties of tea that are processed by many different cultures worldwide.

So unfortunately I don’t think us coffee drinkers have much arguing ground when we are trying to defend it when being compared to tea. But I do think we will always beat the taste contest! ;-)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Priceless Simplicity:

The simple everyday gifts from God that we seem to overlook, but are worth more then we could ever know.

I pray that this blog is an encouragement to you as we walk together through this wonderful life God has blessed us with!

Because of Jesus,
